There are 3 main things you need to have ready for your song before you convert it into the song format that Paradiddle uses: If you are converting an existing MIDI file and need to create a custom midi mapping for the conversion, MIDIEditor (free) to view all the MIDI notes in the file.If you want to map out the MIDI drum parts to a song yourself, a DAW such as Reaper (free) or Ableton.Development note: The Song Creator is open source! You can build on top of it to add support for converting different rhythm game file formats, or extend the tool in other interesting ways.Paradiddle Song Creator: Get the latest file from this link:.This guide will walk you through everything you need to know for the custom song creation process. With Paradiddle’s new note highway update and the Paradiddle Song Creator tool, you can easily import all your favorite songs into the app and learn how to play them in no time.